
Park Generator for sketchup

Rajib Dey - Editor-in-chief

Process to install this sketchup extension:

1. Download example rulefile(s) and save to any local folder (e.g. Documents): grid park 1 (

2. Open Park Generator plugin UI in SketchUp. As soon as the plugin is installed "Park Generator" entry will be visible under "Extensions" menu, click on it to open the plugin window.

3. Open the Rule File. In the plugin window under "Rule File" click on "Browse..." and choose the file already been downloaded earlier and finish by selecting the "Open" button.

4. Choice an Input Region. Input Region refers to the area in which the park will be created . It is delivered by choosing a face (a polygon) in the primary SketchUp window. As for instance a simple rectangular region is formed by pressing "r" (or clicking on the Rectangle button) and then drawn-out the mouse pointer along the ground. It is suggested to apply a face that is not too large (taking a prolonged period to progress) or too minor (will not look as good).

5. Generate! By clicking on "Generate" button in the plugin window.

One can also modify parameters and edit the Rule File to create diverse park designs.

The plugin is still in the beta testing phase. You can suggest your opinions by sending mail to

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